Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Common Misconceptions about Therapy and Those who Seek Therapy


Our mental health is simply another facet of our overall health, but too often, long-standing misconceptions about therapy and the people who seek therapy keep individuals from getting professional help when it would be very beneficial. In an effort to raise awareness and shed some light on the truth about therapy, following is a list of some of the more common misconceptions and myths I’ve heard in my practice.

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“Windshield Time” with Your Child


One on One time with your child is important for both you and your child. These are great moments to ask open-ended questions and then just sit back and listen without judgment to what your kids have to say. When they have your attention and believe you are really listening, you provide a safe space where they can open up and give you glimpses into what’s going on in their lives, what they are thinking, and what they are hoping for their future.

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